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5 colorful fruits to be eaten and relished for good health

Image showing child enjoying eating colorful fruits


Hello friends,

My last article was on adding 5 spices to our diet to improve our metabolism; now, in this article we will add some sweet and juicy colorful fruits that can be eaten with their skins that not only provide us a load of vitamins and antioxidants but also improve our overall health.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five delicious and nutritious fruits that can be enjoyed just as nature intended – with their skin intact.

In the past, I have written about the importance of having fruits in our diet. You can read about them here-

  1. Fruits for Good Health- Part 1
  2. Fruits for Good Health- Part 2

From the classic apple to the juicy blueberry, the succulent grapes, the velvety plum, and the crunchy cherries, these colorful fruits not only add a pop of color to your plate but also offer a host of health benefits.

Whether you’re a health enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or simply someone looking to add more flavor and nutrition to your diet, this article is for you.

So, let’s dive in and explore these fantastic fruits with colored skin!

** A word of caution: All these colorful fruits may have residues of pesticides used while growing them. So be sure to wash them thoroughly before eating them.


Apples are one of those amazing fruits that can be enjoyed with their skin on.

The vibrant red, green, or yellow hues of apple skins are not just visually appealing, but they also pack a punch of nutritional goodness.

These colors are due to natural compounds called flavonoids and antioxidants, which are known to promote heart health, reduce inflammation, and boost our immune system.

So next time you reach for an apple, remember to savor the colorful skin for a nutritious and delicious snack! The vibrant hues of red, green, and yellow are not only visually appealing but also indicative of the beneficial compounds present in the apple’s skin.

Why is eating apples good for health?

These pigments, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids, not only give apples their beautiful colors but also contribute to their health benefits.

Studies have shown that the skin of apples contains antioxidants that can help boost our immune system, promote heart health, and even reduce the risk of certain diseases.

So, next time you bite into a juicy apple, remember to relish the goodness of its colorful skin!


Plums are a delicious fruit that can be enjoyed with their skin. The deep purple color of the plum’s skin comes from a compound called anthocyanin, which is a powerful antioxidant. This antioxidant helps to protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals, promoting overall health and well-being.

Why is eating plums good for health?

By eating plums with their skin, we can maximize our intake of these beneficial compounds and support our body’s natural defense systems.

Prunes, or dried plums, are a delicious and nutritious snack that can be eaten with their skin intact. The purple hue of their skin comes from a natural compound called anthocyanin, which boasts a range of health benefits.

Anthocyanins act as powerful antioxidants, protecting our cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. Additionally, they have anti-inflammatory properties and may help improve cardiovascular health.

So, next time you enjoy a juicy plum, remember that keeping the skin on adds not only vibrant color but also valuable nutrients to your diet.


Blueberry is another colorful fruit that can be enjoyed eating with its skin. The deep blue color of blueberries comes from a class of compounds called anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants.

Consuming blueberries with their skin intact allow us to benefit from the abundance of anthocyanins, promoting our overall health and well-being.

So go ahead and relish these delicious blueberries, skin and all, for a healthy and vibrant life!

Blueberries are an awesome choice when it comes to colorful fruits that can be eaten with their skin.

So, by enjoying blueberries with their skin on, you not only get a burst of delicious flavor but also a boost of beneficial compounds that support your overall well-being.

Why is eating Blueberries good for health?

Blueberries are one of the most delightful colored fruits that you can enjoy with their skin intact.

The deep blue hue of blueberries comes from a compound called anthocyanin, which not only gives them their vibrant color but also boasts a myriad of health benefits.

Additionally, this colorful compound has been linked to improved brain function and memory, reduced risk of heart disease, and even anti-inflammatory effects.

So, next time you indulge in a handful of blueberries, remember that their skin is not only visually appealing but also packed with goodness for your overall well-being.


Grapes are one of those amazing fruits that not only taste delicious but also come in a variety of vibrant colors. Whether you prefer red, green, or purple grapes, you’re in for a treat!

Grapes are one of the colorful fruits that not only can be enjoyed with their skin intact but provide us ample health benefits.

What makes grapes even more special is that their skin is completely edible, so you can enjoy them without any fuss.

The colorful pigments in grape skins, such as anthocyanins, are not only responsible for their beautiful hues but also offer numerous health benefits.

These compounds have been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease, improving brain function, and even promoting healthy aging as well as improving kidney function.

So, next time you’re reaching for a snack, don’t hesitate to grab a handful of these colorful delights and enjoy all the goodness they have to offer.

Why is eating colorful Grapes good for health?

Grapes have antioxidants that help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals, promoting overall well-being.

Additionally, the skin of grapes contains resveratrol, a compound that has been linked to heart health and may have anti-aging properties.

So, next time you indulge in some juicy grapes, remember to savor them with their skin for an extra dose of goodness!


Cherries are one of the colorful fruits that you can enjoy eating with their skin intact. These vibrant red gems are not only delicious but also packed with health benefits.

The deep red color of cherries is due to the presence of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that help fight inflammation and protect against chronic diseases.

These compounds have been linked to promoting heart health, reducing the risk of certain cancers, and even improving brain function.

So next time you reach for a handful of cherries, remember to savor their beautiful color and all the goodness it brings to your health.

In addition to antioxidants, cherry skin is also a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Why is eating cherries good for health?

Eating cherries with their skin intact can help improve digestion, boost immune function, and promote healthy skin.

Suggested reading

If anyone is interested in knowing in detail about various anthocyanins present in different fruits, I suggest you read this article- Natural Sources of Anthocyanins.


To conclude, I would like to say that some colorful fruits that can be eaten with their skins include apples, grapes, berries etc.

They should be eaten with their skins because they contain important nutrients and fiber, all of which I have mentioned in this article in detail.

Final words

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5 colorful fruits to be eaten and relished for good health Share on X

My next article will take you into the world of exotic fruits found on different continents.


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