10 out of Twenty-one days Covid-19 India Lockdown
It has been 10 days already of the twenty-one days of the CoVid-19 lockdown. I think we have had enough of this disease dominating our lives and it is getting boring by the day.
In these 10 out of 21 days of the lockdown, we are already feeling the brunt of what to expect in the coming days if the CoVid-19 spread continues.
Just before I get to what we should do now, let’s have a look at the total number of cases so far.
Before I touch on the Dos, I would like to talk about the Donts because they are far more important than the Dos.
Here’s what you should not do–
- The CoVid-19 lockdown has been imposed so that we break the chain of coronavirus infection thereby curbing it. We should follow the government’s initiative by virtually locking ourselves from the outside world by strictly staying indoors. So, don’t venture outside your home unless it is absolutely necessary.
- Do not spread or forward false news or Whatsapp messages. Some anti-social elements are defying the government orders and are spreading rumors that whatever the authorities concerned are doing is all sham. This is not so. Consider ourselves fortunate that our country has very less number of cases compared to other larger and developed countries.
- Don’t remain glued to your TV for the latest news on CoVid-19 updates. It will only make you depressed. Instead, watch some cartoon movies or family-based movies to make you happy.
- Senior citizens should not step out of the house. As such, most of them have health problems, sometimes multiple. They are the most vulnerable people.
- Do not gather or move as a group- even with your family members. Research shows that gatherings- be it religious or a family function such as marriage, funerals helps in the spread of the disease. So, avoid social gatherings totally. Read this to know the impact-TOI News.
Things that I do and what you can also do–
Ten days of the total 21 days of the total lockdown are already over. Many of you must be wondering what to do in the remaining 11 days.
As you all may be knowing by now, I am an active practicing doctor. I have my duties cut out for each day and that routine I am going to share with you all.
1. Get Up Early-
From my school days, I have been an early riser. I have the habit of getting up around 4.30 a.m. The first thing which I do is to boil water and put it in a filter coffee decanter. I use milk in the coffee, so I boil that as well.
During the interim period, I have the habit of meditating. I pray and thank my creator for everything he has given me- a fairly good life, a good family, good friends, and finally the followers of my blogs.
After making my coffee, I drink it in my favorite stainless steel glass[shown below]. What is the purpose of showing this glass? Well, it has been my companion for the past 35 years and gives me a feeling of being awake every day. It also gives me the motivation to start my day.

Next, I sit on my favorite rocking chair[ gifted by one of my friends] and start reading a book while sipping my coffee. At present, I am reading a book named The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

I advise everybody to read some motivating books like the one I am reading now. You can purchase this ebook on Amazon Kindle or read it for free on the Anybooks app which you can download from Google Playstore. Books like this one engage your mind and motivate you to do something good to yourself and to others. I have 2 glasses of coffee and this stimulates my bowels.
2] Do Some Exercise-
During this lockdown period, our movements have been severely hampered. I have the habit of going for regular walks for at least 5 days a week. As going out for walks has been put on hold presently, I make it a point to walk on the balcony of my home. Take a look at the screenshot shown below-

As you can see, I have walked almost 4201 steps i.e. approximately 2.81 km. Previously, I used to walk around 8500 steps or approximately 5 km.
Listen while you walk-
As I walk along, I put on my headphones and listen to Podcasts on my Player FM app. Once again, you can download this app from Google Playstore for free and listen to different podcasts on a variety of subjects. Have a look at this screenshot-

The topics to which I listen are mostly health-related, lifestyle changes or simply motivational ones. They energize me for the rest of the day.
After downloading this app on your phone, try to listen to some useful podcasts and report to me your feelings or changes which you experience. I can assure you that you will feel that this lockdown has been a blessing in disguise apart from preventing you from getting infected by the CoVid-19 virus. It has allowed you to do something new in your life.
You will also feel that your walk, which you find boring, is not so boring after all. Again, it will motivate you to walk the extra mile because you will be very much engrossed in hearing your podcast.
While walking, do some swinging of your arms also well as legs so that almost the whole body gets exercise.
3. After the morning chores-
After my routine walk and listening to podcasts, I finish my morning rituals like bath, pooja, etc., and reach my clinic by 11.00 a.m. Due to the lockdown, patient attendance is minimal. So, I reduced my timings which were from 11.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. to 10.00 p.m., by 30 minutes each in both sessions.
In the afternoon after my clinic hours, I have lunch and a short nap. A nap is necessary as it recharges me again and after this, I take time to either read or write articles or follow my hobby.
4. Develop a hobby-
During this lockout period, try and develop a new hobby, a hobby which you were yearning for but were unable to do so due to time constraints.
My latest hobby, other than reading and watching movies on the TV, is Gardening. In my spare time, I used to read a book called The All New Squarefoot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew-

I purchased the physical copy of this book on Amazon and have also downloaded the same on my Anybooks app. After reading the book, I built a 4′×4′ square foot garden on my terrace and have recently planted some vegetable seeds in it. This hobby keeps me engrossed-I try to learn how to make it better. Have a look at what I have built-

Taking a cue from this picture, you can also develop some hobby which is not only useful to you but also something which you will love doing. So go out there[literally, staying indoors] and do something- you can learn to cook or draw or to make your own website. There are plenty of free tutorials available on Google or you can buy one from Udemy. I recently received a message on my LinkedIn account which appears to be inline with my thoughts mentioned above. Take a look-

5. Sit and talk with your Family members-
These 21 days of total lockdown in India give us an opportunity like never before to sit with the members of our family -to talk and discuss many things.
How many days has it been since you all had quality time together as a family?
Be it your spouse, your working son/daughter/daughter-in-law, the quality time that you have spent with them must have been either a Sunday or some public holiday or some vacation.
Today, this lockdown- with work-from-home advice given by almost all the companies- has given you the chance to have quality as well as quantity[of] time with your loved ones. Utilize this period to-
- have breakfast/ lunch/dinner together
- sit and watch your favorite shows on TV
- play the games which you have enjoyed playing together
- discuss your plans for the future like going on a vacation, purchasing a new car or a house
I have been doing all these things in the last 8 days of the lockdown in my country. This has helped me develop a positive attitude towards the forced curfew rather than getting depressed. I am sure that all of you must also be doing the same and I would like to learn from my readers what they have been doing all these days.
The takeaways of this Lockdown-
There are a few positive effects or takeaways of this forced lockdown. They are-
- Improvement in Air Quality– The last few days of the lockdown has seen vehicular traffic reduced substantially thereby reducing the air pollution bringing down the particulate matter in the air drastically-air seems to have become breathable. The smog created by the exhausts of the vehicle has diminished. Patients with allergies related to pollution like sneezing, cold etc., have reduced a lot.
- The Discipline in the Attitude of people– 95% of the Indian population is backing the government’s call for total lockdown by staying indoors, queuing up for supplies, wearing a mask maintaining social distancing, etc., to mention a few.
- Increased Health Awareness– As a doctor, I have been witnessing the changing attitude of my patients towards personal health. They are visiting their respective doctors even for minor ailments like cold, sore throat, etc., which in the past they used to self-treat by taking medicines over the counter without a valid prescription.
To know more about health issues in general and that related to CoVid-19 disease, you can visit this site.
Be sure to drop in a line or two regarding your views on this CoVid-19 Lockdown. Adios.